Sunday, February 25, 2018

Blue-tailed Bee-eater

Blue tailed Bee-eater is a migratory bird that is found all over Tulunadu between October to March. Habitat includes large water bodies, open forests, cultivations and farmlands. It is a green bird with a yellow and brown throat. Its face has a narrow blue patch and brown throat with a black eye strip. The tail is blue with black bill. Sexes are alike. It feeds on insects especially bees and wasps. The insects that are caught are beaten on the peach to kill and break the exoskeleton. They breed in south east Asia. They builds nest on sandy banks and lay 5-7 eggs. Both parents raise the young ones.
Located: All over Tulunadu
Call: Distinctive Prriee...Prruuup
Scientific Name: Merops philippinus (Least Concern)

Location: Padukere, Udupi Date: Feb 2018.

Location: Innanje, Udupi. Date : March: 2018

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