Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Asian Koel

Asian koel belongs to cuckoo family. It is found all over the regions of Tulu Nadu. They can be found in light woodland and cultivation. The males are bluish black with pale green bill and crimson eyes. The female is brown in colour with white streaks and spots all over. It feeds on fruits and berries. It is a brood parasite and lays eggs in the nests of crows. Because of its melodious calls, reference to them are common in poetry and folklore.
Call: Koo ...Oooo sometimes kik..kik...kik
Scientific Name: Eudynamys scolopaceus (Least Concern)

Location: Home garden, Udyavar, Udupi
Date: Feb 2018
Location: Home garden, Udyavar, Udupi
Date: Feb 2018

Location: Saralabettu, Manipal
Date: 4.3.18

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