Friday, February 9, 2018

Paddyfield Pippit

The paddyfield pipit as the name suggests is found in paddyfields, grassland and open grounds. It has a streaky brown above and pale under part. It has long legs and long dark beak. Sexes are alike. It builds its nest on the ground under a slight prominence, a tuft of grass, or at the edge of a bush. The nests are woven out of grass and leaves and are normally cup shaped. It lays 2-4 eggs. It feeds on insects, worms, beetels and snails.
Located: All over Tulu Nadu
Call: Chip..chip...chip
Scientific Name: Anthus rufulus (Least Concern)

Location: Saralabettu, Manipal. Date: Feb 2018

Location: Kannarbadi Fields,Udupi  Date: 09.02.2018

Location: Barkur Wetlands. Date: 25.03.18

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