Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Western Marsh Harrier

The Western Marsh Harrier is a bird of prey. Their habitat included freshwater, grassland, farmland and brackish wetlands. The male upper parts are reddish brown and underparts yellowish. The legs are yellow and bill is black. The tip of the wing are black and grey. The female is entirely brown. They feed on mammals, small birds, reptiles, frogs and large insects. They breed from March to May. They build ground nest with sticks and grass in dense vegetation. They lay 3 to 8 eggs and incubated for 30 35 days. 
Located: Kenjar, Mallyadi, Kanarbadi, Manipal
Call: Lapwing like mewing and Chattering alarm call
Scientific Name: Circus aeruginosus (Least Concern) 
The genus name Circus is derived from the Ancient Greek kirkos, referring to a bird of prey named for its circling flight.

Location: Kanarbadi Fields, Udupi
Date: Jan 2018

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